Frequently Asked Questions
WOW7 is complete. We encourage you to get engaged with the Ostrom Workshop on our Ostrom Workshop website.
Here are a few commonly asked questions about Whova.
1) Can I continue to use the Whova app to keep in touch with fellow attendees?
Absolutely! You can follow up with the people you met or those you couldn't connect with during the event through the in-app messages, e-business card requests, and Community posts.
2) Other than that, what can I do with the app? The event is already over.
Receive updates about future events from your event organizers. And most of all, many events use Whova world-wide, so in the near future if you attend any other events, you do not need to download the app again. So, keep and use the Whova app as a central place to manage all of your event networking activities.
3) How long will the event information remain on the app?
We will keep the event information (e.g., agenda) for 3 months. However, your contacts, messages, and scanned cards will not be removed.
4) I've seen conference photos here and there, can I use them and where / to whom can I give credit?
Doc Searls took pictures all three days and he has a site where you can review and download. Please give him the credit. It is here.
Our IU Photographer took photos on Monday and his name is Alex Kumar. If you wish to use the All Conference Photos, please give him the credit. Let us know if your university does any WOW publicity or if your research presented is published. We would love to publicize in our newsletter, website, and on social media.
Over 300 photos are uploaded into Whova and the uploader is the person to reference. Enjoy!